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Tracy Tester

Edwardsville, Illinois

Cody T.: Do you think that artists are gifted people?

Tracy Tester: I think many artists are born with a better-than-most ability to envision and produce art. Creating art comes easily to them and I would certainly say they are gifted just like someone with a fantastic singing voice, exceptional math skills, or athletic prowess. Of course, not everyone takes advantage of their gifts.

CT: Do you think that art should be primarily a personal expression?

TT: When you have the time and luxury to create art for your own pleasure
that would naturally be true. Most artists I know receive commissions from time to time, which have nothing to do with their personal expression. In those cases, I try to at least create the piece with my personal style so that the viewer can always tell it's one of mine. My work is mostly representational and rarely has underlying meaning. I'm not particularly angst ridden or political. I'm just having fun and hoping others will enjoy looking at my art as well.

CT: What makes an artwork desirable?

TT: Many things. Art can fill you with awe, evoke an emotion, stir up a memory,
fit your budget, match your sofa. It's very personal.

CT: What creates great art?

TT: I believe there are just as many opinions about whether a piece of artis great, mediocre, or just bad, as there are styles and mediums to create it. Some art is obviously brilliant in concept and execution and other times I wonder how a piece of art managed to find its way into a museum and how my college professors would have ripped it apart! Yet, there it is! Andy Warhol said, "Art is what you can get away with." I like that he acknowledged that.

CT: Can anyone be a creator?

TT: I have been making art as long as I can remember and since I was very
young my parents and teachers supported me. I love making art, and working with my hands. Things don't always turn out like I see them in my mind and I wish I was more creative and more sophisticated. I wish I had the time and drive to get better but life takes priority sometimes. I think anyone, if they have the desire and the willingness to learn and practice, no matter the level of natural ability, can find a creative outlet. There are infinite paths to find your creative self!

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